Colombian government kickoffs ECOMUN project to reintegrate former FARC terrorists

By July 4, 2017

Today, the Colombian government officially initiated the controversial ECOMUN project to help reintegrate FARC terrorists who have surrendered their arms back into society. ECOMUN, whose full name is Social Communal Economies, is a fundamental part of the agreements made with the FARC in Havana, and will work to kick off various projects that both help accustom the former guerrillas to civilian life and create initiatives that generate economic opportunity for others.

FARC members can voluntarily join ECOMUN, which plans to open centers throughout the country. Each ECOMUN project will be funded up to 8 million Colombian pesos (US $2,625), subject to approval, and projects will be focused upon environmental, humanitarian, and ecotourism initiatives.

FARC members who join ECOMUN projects will also receive 620,000 Colombian pesos per month (US $205) for 24 months in order to pay for their education and facilitate their entry into the workforce.

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