Science clubs: A scientific revolution in Colombia that begins in Medellín

By July 4, 2017

Colombia is now betting on a new educational platform designed to promote innovation based on science and research. This new platform is called “science clubs” and aims to socially and economically transform the country.

These clubs are expected to provide great advantages, helping students engage in, and to become passionate about, the sciences. They can also help to keep students informed of new innovations and demonstrate the impact that ongoing research is having on the world. However the intention of the project is to draw more curious students into the sciences and better prepare them for fields that can have a positive impact on the country and the world.

Science clubs are already very popular amongst students in the US, offering them the opportunity to create international contacts and to continue their studies in foreign world-class universities such as Harvard, MIT and the University of Massachusetts. This allows local researchers to connect from countries all over the world.

Since their creation, the number of students participating in these clubs has increased from 300 to around 1,000, and now 100 academic researchers are also part of this program.

This platform has received support from Medellín’s mayor’s office, Ruta N, Sapiencia (Medellin’s Agency for Superior Education), Colciencias (Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation) and from the SENA (National Learning Services).

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